Effectene Transfection Reag基因转染试剂1ml
描述:用于对原代细胞和敏感细胞系进行DNA转染。试剂盒包含 - 1 ml Effectene试剂、增强制剂和缓冲液。优点 - 可在60 mm培养皿进行40次转染,或在12孔盘中进行160次转染。
Ideally, you could use a single transfection kit to optimally transfect a variety of cell types, including the recalcitrant ones. We designed the NanoJuice Transfection Kit for this purpose.
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lonza nucleofector电转缓冲液是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理lonza nucleofector电转缓冲液
Highly efficient: reach maximal gene expression in hard-to-transfect cells. Cost-effective: use minimum reagent volume and DNA quantity. Biologically relevant: keep an excellent cell viability & mor
lonza amaxa电转试剂
lonza amaxa电转试剂是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理lonza amaxa电转试剂